Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I went to my first football game today. Lets just say I don’t know anything when It comes to that sport. All it seems like is boys jumping on top of each other and maybe they might be trying to run with that brown ball looking thing. Sometimes they throw it. I really don’t know. But they are hot so it all works out. Anyway. I was walking and these people with orange and blue told me to get the f$*k out the way. Come to find out they were some people called the “gators”. But why are they being so damn mean? Why cant we all just get along? Why cant we all be friends here? If it wasn’t for the colors we were wearing im pretty sure everybody would be friends. Its totally different than being in high school. I mean, you had rivals but nobody through the bird, threw trash at you and attempted to hit you! Yea that’s right, you read it. HIT YOU. At football games, if that team doesn’t like you, and they are drunk enough, they will use physical force. Can you say bad sportsmanship? And if you are not in the nose bleed section, you can hear the players on the other team be unsportsmanlike too. Like really?bad sportsmanship article Man I really need to go back home. Free san fransico hugs are calling me. Tear.  L. Then I saw this little boy flicking somebody off from the other team. These people are crazy! Not to mention the men that were uberly drunk. Smelled like gin, old men and cheese and sweat. Bad combination. And they were trying to hit on me. So not cool. Well we won the game so I guess that makes up for the old nasty men. People were going bazerk around here. They had fireworks going off and everything. I don’t get it. I guess these ppl hated each other more than I thought. My cali peeps. I miss you. Its so weird being here with so much hostility, and no beach to relieve yourself. Can I  say uberly LAME!
ok. so i know how i am suppose to feel about the gators since i am a seminole, but i am sure this little kid doesnt know enough about the rivarly between the two schools that would make him want to flick the gators off. smh. where are his parents?

But I must say that I love this warchant song that the band does. Its totally epic. Everybody in the stands comes together and does this karate chop thing with their right arm. For some odd reason they never do it with their left. I guess I was asleep during that part of orientation. The band plays it every time the team does something good. Im glad they do, that way I know when to cheer

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